Tuesday, 30 July 2013

The Other Side and Back Again

An awareness was created the other day thanks to a dear friend of mine.  I proceed through my life as if people are already aware of things I have come to understand, and it has become blaringly apparent in my life as a Psychic Medium that I have an above-average scoop into life on the Other Side and our journey to Here.

My life is so second-nature that it hadn't even dawned on me that people are wanting to understand more about the goings on between Here and There, so I thought I would share some of the things I have come to understand about our life Here and our life There.

I must reiterate that the things I am about to share are based on my experiences and are by no means written in stone.  These are just patterns or insights that have been created thanks to my work with Spirit.

So what does happen between the worlds?

Well, as Spiritual Beings having a human experience our first "life" is creation into Spirit.  In Spirit, we are "formless", which therefore means we are without illness, in "perfect state" and resonate nothing but Unconditional Love.  We are part of the ALL and in that space we are limitless and unstoppable.  I firmly believe the only "death" we experience is the leaving of our physical body.  Our Soul, or Spirit, is eternal.

As Spirit we have a "hierarchy".  The ALL who drives Archangels, Angels, Guardian Angels, and the Spirit Population.  I do not believe that the ALL is one gender, but is, in Spirit, the masculine, the feminine, and the Divine.  The ALL. 

Before coming down to earth a care team is assigned and a Soul Chart generated.  This Soul Chart contains every finite detail of the human existence about to be created.  This starts with our care team.  The group of Spirits assigned to guiding us while here on earth.  I came with a group of nine.  How I know this is thanks to a past-life regression which actually ended up regressing me to my beginning of this incarnation.  I was privy to nine EXTREMELY luminescent beings standing at a large square table with me standing before them.  It was a pretty cool revelation, but I digress.

This Soul Chart contains information like Date of Entry, Final Date of Exit, who you will travel with on your journeys, aka your Soul Group and so much more.  Your Soul Group is the group of souls whose timelines intertwine throughout your incarnation.  There are Spirits that you travel with indefinitely throughout any existence and there are those that come in for a reason, a season, a life time.

Within the Soul Groups are Soulmates, Twin Flames, and the Familiars.  Soulmates are a travel partner that tends to stay in a marriage(-like) arrangement for length of days.  They are a relationship that loves and nurtures the soul in a very gentle way.  Then there are the Twin Flames.  The relationship of the Twin Flames can take many different incarnations.  Lovers, Sisters, Brothers, Parents, but is typically expressed by one person you cannot live without and can feel their pain millions of miles away.  In this lifetime, I am with my soulmate, and my Twin Flame just happens to be a female who couldn't be any more like my twin sister if we tried.  She places mental phone calls to me and I to her.  It is uncanny.

Typically speaking, Twin Flames can be very tricky.  Particularly when arranged as lovers.  The energy is intense and does NOT always work into a long-lasting relationship.  In fact, I have typically seen it is the polar opposite.  Each Flame finds each other, the pull great, yet circumstances find them in other relationships and the meeting volatile.  A want but can't have as it were.  The lesson is huge!  However, if it is slated within a Soul Chart to do so, it is an EXTREMELY POWERFUL working here on this planet for the benefit of mankind. 

As for the Familiars, they are the souls we run into Here, and feel like we have known them for a lifetime.  There is a "click" that just cannot be explained.  The people we are designed to meet for that one reason, that season, or a lifetime and they are immeasurable.  I couldn't even begin to imagine the number of people I have encountered in my life, but they have all served a purpose.  I to them, and them to me.

In Spirit, we are assigned as Guardian Angels to our loved ones here on Earth, and may even eventually get assigned as an Archangel, an Ascended Master (one who mastered the human condition and typically in huge fashion - Gandhi, Jesus, Krishna, etc.), or even the Spirit responsible for the care and keeping of the "lost souls" Here on this planet.  One never knows what one's assignment over and above Guardian Angel, if any, will occur.

And, by the way, each of us has access to the ALL and information stored.  It is usually referred to as the Akashic Records.  We just have to tune in and listen.  And, sometimes, seek out professional insight for validation purposes.

When we return Home to Spirit, we are welcomed by loved ones, guides, and a team that basically births us into Spirit.  And, depending on how the human left the world, Spirit is cocooned for a period of time to reassimilate into Spirit.  Remember, Spirit is perfect, but imagine being housed elsewhere in form and finding our way back into a place we haven't hopefully been for awhile.  Heaven.

Our Spirit needs to acclimate, and what might seem like forever since our loved ones have let us know they are okay and at peace over There, seems but a blink of an eye over There.

So now, take this process and reverse it.  Spirit into the human shell.  We enter the world kicking and screaming.  We have spent almost 10 months in a very warm environment (much like over There) as part of the transition into the world.  Then we spend the first three years trying to calibrate ourselves.  And, take this into consideration.  As Spirit we know EVERYTHING.  Imagine that slate being wiped relatively clean as we are set to enter another incarnation.  We do not remember our birth for a reason, we are welcomed by a care team Here, and begin our journey.

The first three years are learning to crawl, walk, run and talk.  It is within the first five years that our connection to the Other Side is extremely strong, leaving us very prone to experiencing Spirit.  I had my first encounter at the age of 3.  It is vivid to this day.

However, there are several theories about why we incarnate and don't remember things.  One of them being it would take all the joy of the experience away if we came fully aware.  We are also meant to learn things, different things, through each incarnation.  And, while we keep some of the inherent things, i.e. through any lifetimes I have been shown I have ALWAYS been a Healer.  It is why it is so second-nature to me.

Another theory is "the river of forgetting", and that it is required that we "drink" of the water before coming down to Here.  It is almost as if remembering is "not allowed".  I mean, imagine knowing everything about everything which in turn takes away from the mystery of life.  I sure as Hell don't want to know everything!  Do you?

Yet another, is because of the process.  I couldn't imagine remembering my birth experience, could you?  We need time and space to assimilate into human existence.  I believe that part of the frustrating experience of being so young is that our Spirit "knows" things but cannot yet articulate.  For instance, a baby crying knows he will get fed yet does not have the means to speak.  That's why they cry.  It is their first "voicing" of an experience, pleasant or otherwise.  We, as Spirit, need to time to recover and adjust and we are provided the human care team to facilitate this process.

I have also come to learn that in Spirit, or our Higher Selves, we can solve any challenge presented to us, even with the help of our Care Team in Spirit.

This journey is meant to be enjoyed, both ways.  We are loved enough to be sent Here, and the only place we go when we leave Here is There.  The fire and brimstone teachings of a literal place called Hell does not exist.  Well, maybe except Here because we sure have a penchant for creating Hellish situations.

So, don't sit there thinking Bad Aunt Lucy has gone to Hell for her behavior, for in fact, all she does is return Home and get a long hard look at how things may have been handled differently.  Just like every single person who leaves Here.  And from There, they are given a life review as it were.  And, if it helps, imagine an Unconditional Love Being who has to look at how the human behaved.  Ouch!  LOL!  Oh well, notes for next time.

And, next time sometimes comes because a soul "has to", and not always just because they choose too.  And yes, some of us have a choice and some of us don't.

I didn't have a choice, but I firmly feel that next time will be a choice.  I have learned so much about myself and how I relate to others on this planet, and firmly feel I am rooted in the lessons set before me and the true joy of what life is about.

Me.  And my journey of the work I sooooooo love to share!

May this share bring you a greater understanding and all the Peace and Comfort of knowing that we are loved so much we get to experience Here, and that, in the End, there is no place like Home.

It is a wonder to behold.

Thursday, 25 July 2013

Chakras - An Introduction to Life Energy

Hey Everyone!  Thanks once again for stopping by.  Today's blog is from a guest.  Meet Carrie Clough, Reiki Master and Owner/Operator of Radiant Health.  You can find her at https://www.facebook.com/CarriesRadiantHealth and I am grateful for her expertise.
I get this question a lot. What is a chakra and how do I know if mine are working right?
As a Reiki practitioner I have had the honor of working with a lot of chakras, and I say it is an honor  because to work with the chakras is to work with human consciousness itself.
Chakra comes from the Sanskrit word meaning vortex or wheel. It refers to seven energy centres within our body. They are centres of activity that receive, assimilate and express life force energy. They absorb and transmit energies to and from the universe, nature, celestial entities, from people even from things. They are responsible for the person's physical, mental, and spiritual functions. Not a part of our physical body but, more dense energetically than our auras and like our auras, they are a part of our human consciousness. The seven major chakras are closely associated with the human endocrine system. Tension within the human consciousness is felt within the the chakra system and in the parts of the physical body associated with that particular chakra. Tension occurring for a long period of time or to a high level of intensity can then lead to illness or dis-ease. The symptom experienced is a conversation between the consciousness and the physical body.  So think of the chakras as a type of energy communication system and a way to see your body as a map of your consciousness.
As a practitioner, I can sense or feel the energy within each chakra. Sometimes as a vibration or swirling type sensation or subsequently the lack thereof in the case of blockage. In the case of blockage the area felt very cold and still. Please beware of less than reputable practitioners that sell you on the idea your chakras are blocked over and over again. I personally have only encountered one client with one blockage. Yes there are imbalances, but total blockage is severe and quite rare in my experience. In working with these energy centres, balance and ease of symptoms can be achieved, to improved overall physical health. The goal of a healer is to ensure optimal and balanced flow of energy within each chakra. Symptoms relieved can be emotional or physical, anything can be healed, it is just a matter of how. Believe anything is possible.
Chakras correspond to the physical body and endocrine system but also relate to the senses, colors and earth elements.
The Seven Chakras
Starting at the bottom we have the Root Chakra, aka the security centre. It is located in your bottom, you are probably sitting on it as you read this! Tension in the Root Chakra can be best described as an insecurity, more tension as fear and as a dis-ease it would be experienced as sheer terror or a threat to survival.
Element – Earth
Color – Red
Sense – Smell
Endocrine – Adrenal Glands
Physical Body Relation: parts associated with your root are the elimination system, lower extremities, the lymph and skeletal systems. Also the nose, (think sense of smell, associated with survival)
Consciousness Relation: ability to be grounded or present in the moment, connection to Mother Earth, relationships with home, job,money. As well as survival, trust and the ability to allow oneself to be nourished.
Working our way up the body,  we next encounter the Sacral Chakra, aka the sensation chakra located in the centre of the abdomen. This chakra relates to ones willingness to experience the emotional body. A good example of dis-ease in this area would be anorexia, the inability to love or nourish oneself, resulting in the inability to conceive or reproduce.
Element – Water
Color – Orange
Sense – Taste & appetite
Endocrine – Gonads
Physical Body Relation: lumbar, reproductive system and sexual organs.
Consciousness Relation: food and sex, the things we find pleasurable.
Next is the Solar Plexus Chakra, can you guess it's location? It is also known as the Power Centre and relates closely to human ego. As a practitioner, it is a go to, area as most people have some sort of issues within the spectrum of the solar plexus. (At some point most of us have muscular aches and/or discomfort in being who we are.) Imbalances could be sense of shame, self consciousness, or feelings of inadequacy.
Element - Fire
Color - Yellow
Sense – Eyesight
Endocrine – Pancreas
Physical Body Relation: organs and glands in the solar plexus region (pancreas, liver, stomach, gall bladder) as well as skin and the muscular system.
Consciousness Relation: mental activity, perceptions of power, freedom, control and the ease of being.
Now on to the Heart Chakra or the Living Love Centre located in the middle of the chest. Ever wonder why it feels good to hug? It is the connecting of two heart chakras! No wonder hugs have the ability to make us feel good. Also therein lies the aspect of Inner Sound (those sounds you hear from within that do not depend on what happens externally,) a prerequisite for personal spiritual growth. Likewise, difficulty breathing or with the lungs could represent tension within the heart chakra.
Element –  Air
Color - Green
Sense – Touch            
Endocrine – Thymus Gland (immune system regulation)
Physical Body Relation: lungs, circulatory system, & of course the heart.
Consciousness Relation: perception of love relationships or those close to your heart.
We have now reached the Throat Chakra or Cornucopia (Horn of Plenty) Centre. It is the centre of abundance, think of the saying “ask and ye shall receive”. This Chakra is associated with listening to ones intuition and expressing to the outside what lies within. Tension in this area can cause a feeling of frustration at the inability to express oneself or feeling like you aren't being heard.
Element – Ether ( the crossover between the world of physical and the world of spirit)
Color – Sky Blue
Sense – Hearing
Endocrine – Thyroid Gland
Physical Body Relation: hands, arms, neck and throat
Consciousness Relation: communicating, expressing, and receiving. Creativity and manifestation or fulfillment of goals.
Upwards now to the Third Eye Chakra or the Consciousness Awareness Centre. It is all about seeing from a higher perspective. This is where our true motivations are found. It is also home to the Clairs, (clairvoyance, clairaudience, clairsentience) and our own personal spiritual growth. Imbalance symptoms would be fatigue, sleep disorders, a sense of disorientation.
Element- Light
Color - Indigo
Sense – Extra sensory perception, the ability to perceive beyond what you see.
Endocrine – Pituitary Gland
Physical Body Relation: forehead and temples, brain
Consciousness Relation: the deep inner level of being that is spirituality, and the subconscious.
At the top of or slightly above the head we arrive at the Crown Chakra, the Cosmic Consciousness Centre. It is the door of universal energy through which we can reach a higher state of awareness, beyond materialism to a life abundant in joy, curiosity and purpose. Tension in this Chakra will produce symptoms of boredom, melancholy, headaches, lack of focus and direction, the sense of isolation.
Element – Cosmic energy (inner light)
Color – Violet
Sense – Empathy, unity
Endocrine – Pineal Gland
Physical Body Relation: Top of the head, brain and nervous system
Consciousness Relation:Represents our relationship with authority, our universal (heavenly) father. As well as our perceptions of unity or separation.
What blocks a chakra?
Childhood traumas, cultural conditioning, limited belief system, bad habits, physical and emotional injuries. Or even just lack of attention all contribute to chakra blockage.
How can we heal chakras?
We can influence our chakras, our health, and our lives by using different techniques such as:
Treatment from a practitioner (ex: Reiki or past life regression)
Meditation / sacred space
Body detoxification
Addressing issues in our lives and coming to peaceful resolution brings about balance of the chakras and therefore eases the physical, emotional, and spiritual imbalances caused by their deficient functioning.
What would a balanced chakras look like?
The person would be:
well grounded and in touch with their body
in good health and vitality
aware of their feelings without being ruled by them
sexually content without being driven
with balanced third chakra they would have confidence and confidence without dominating
the heart would be compassionate and loving, yet centered and peaceful
could communicate feelings or ideas with truth and clarity and be able to listen to others
So now you know what chakras are, where they are and how the effect the function of our physical and emotional bodies. We are spiritual beings having a human experience, in a body that is heavily influenced by energy. So what becomes of all that energy when the physical body reaches the end of it's natural life?
It returns to Source.

Thursday, 11 July 2013

Thou Shalt Learn to Self-Coach

Disclaimer:  I am NOT a licensed coach by Provincial or Federal Standards.  I always direct to the Medical field if and when necessary before making any "calls".  I would not be doing my job if I didn't. 

So here it goes.  I continually direct myself to a Higher Perspective when looking at different situations and when I go into sessions.  Self-coach as it were.  Guide.  And here's the deal.  I want to know how often you sit yourself down and have a good chat with you.  Where are you at?  What would you like in your life?  Who are you? I think you get the idea.

However, the one thing I have been on a continual journey with is, how do I relate and see others in my life?  And here's what I do to get a deeper sense of what is going on.  I take this situation or person to the bigger picture and view it as if I am looking down and observing what's going on.  And, typically, within minutes, something is revealed.  And again, sometimes it is to do with them, but it is inevitably ALWAYS to do with me.  It is my "stuff".

And then it hits me.  Sometimes things closest to home are the hardest things to put into a healthy perspective.  So what do I do?  I put the brakes on, sit myself down and have a really good chat.  What's really going on?  What buttons have been pushed?  Why are you so unsettled?  Why do you think that is?  Where in time did you learn this?  What are you being shown?  What is there to be learned by this situation?  Get the idea?

That is the art of coaching ourselves or guiding ourselves through situations in our lives.  The Higher Perspective, and inspired moments by Spirit.  It is sometimes why people meditate.  It is sometimes why people take themselves for a walk.  It is a moment to step aside and use Higher Eyes to take a look at a bigger picture.  Right down to watching you in this situation.  It is a moment when so many things can be realized.  But, the biggest thing I have realized is this: 

I am the bigger picture.  And I can change my life when I realize what's really going on inside.  I am LEARNING something.  And typically, it has been about moments in my life when a pattern was laid down.  And it has finally become an opportunity to release a pattern and learn a new way.  By letting go of the past.  It is over.  It is done.  And I now embrace my future.  And it's an AMAZING one!

So I say, forget your past and pave your future!  Don't you deserve it?